When to Use a Softwashing for Your Sussex County Home

Nothing will clean up your Sussex County home's exterior as quickly and as thoroughly as a pressure washing can. Of course, for some applications, a pressure washing can provide a bit too MUCH pressure, and it can wind up causing more damage than cleanliness.
Fortunately, you can preserve your Suxxex County home's well-being if you opt to get a softwashing. While a softwashing may not be right for all your external cleaning needs, it will prove to be a life-saver for some of your home's more delicate installations. Not sure what those installations are? Then just read on!
Wood Panel Siding
Siding can make your home stand out while also providing added protection against some of the more destructive elements out in the world: namely, termites and moisture. Unfortunately, if you opt to have this installation cleaned with a pressure washing, you may wind up destroying its look and taking away those protective qualities.
If your Sussex County home sports wood panel siding, you'll need to opt for a much gentler softwashing for its cleaning needs. A softwashing will fully bring out your wood siding's beauty while also keeping it in quality condition, making it a great cleaning option for this excellent installation.
A well-maintained roof makes for a well-maintained home as well as a pleasant home life. Of course, because it remains exposed to the rain and sun and other harsh elements, your roof will inevitably suffer wear -- which, fortunately, can easily be undone with a professional cleaning.
Of course, you need to pick the right method of cleaning to get your roof looking and functioning its best once more without compromising its lifespan and well-being. To do that, you guessed it: You need to opt for a softwashing over a much more intense pressure washing when it comes time to clean your roof.
Screens and Screen Enclosures
Screens are a great installation for your doors and windows. They allow you to let in some fresh air without letting in far less pleasant things such as bugs and other pests. Of course, like anything, your screens will need routine cleanings to continue looking and functioning their best.
Also like many of your Sussex County home's installations, you'll need to use a gentler cleaning method than a pressure washing when it comes time to spruce up your screens. For that purpose, you can't go wrong with a softwashing. A softwashing will gently clean up your screens, making them look like new without causing any damage.
Come to Us for Your Softwashing Needs
When you need to get any of the above-mentioned installations softwashed, you'll want to have the work handled by an experienced softwashing company. So, be sure to call the Sussex County experts at Lamb's Custom Painting when you need this service. Our softwashing pros will get your home looking beautiful in little time at all.